[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1)台灣樂天購物網,台灣樂天市場購物網,日本樂天購物網站,樂天市場購物網站,樂天購物網站,台灣樂天購物,台灣樂天市場網站,樂天購物網,日本樂天購物網,樂天購物
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[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1)
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有關[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1)的詳細介紹如下:
Protective, fun and functional case custom-designed for the 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Also fits iPad Air 2 and iPad Air 1)
With flexible, foam construction, the lightweight iGuys are the perfect 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air accessories for families with young children
For cartoon hour, the iGuy stands at attention-while it holds your 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air 2 or 1-offering a convenient viewing angle for short people.
The iGuy's little arms and soft foam make it easy-and even fun-to hold.
Available in a variety of colors
Meet iGuy - the freestanding foam case for 9.7-inch iPad Pro, iPad Air 2 or iPad Air 1 with tons of personality! Every bit protective as he is a blast to use, iGuy is the perfect accessory for 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air for kids and grownups alike. He's lightweight, easy to hold, and he can stand on his own two feet, even while holding up your 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air 2 or 1. He may look like he's all about fun, but his soft, squishy body disguises tough EVA foam protection. iGuy iPad Pro or iPad Air covers will help you feel more secure as you hand your 9.7-inch iPad Pro or iPad Air over to your baby or small child!Brand Name
Item model number
Item Weight
12.6 ounces
Product Dimensions
10.9 x 0.9 x 7.1 inches
Item Dimensions L x W x H
10.88 x 0.88 x 7.13 inches
Chili pepper red
Shipping Weight
1 pounds
[美國直購] Speck Products 77641-B104 平板 保護殼 iGuy Case and Stand for 9.7-inch iPad Pro (Fits iPad Air 2, 1)
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